Cross Over Night into 2017

Saying bye-bye to the year with prayers as we gathered on 31st December, 2016 to pray our way into the new year 1st January, 2017; tagged Cross Over Night into 2017.

My father show me mercy.

Every business of the devil that has taken away God from my life, my father set them on fire.

Isaiah 28:12 - every disobedience and stubborn spirit taking me to the garage of problem, father deliver me.

Father, deliver me from deceits of devil.

Father, deliver me from self will.

Lord, every life of ignorance and foolishness that i have been living let it go with 2016.

Every enemy of the purpose of God in my life, run away with 2016.

Every unmovable thing in 2016 out of my way.
Cross Over Night into 2017 Cross Over Night into 2017 Reviewed by Unknown on 09:01 Rating: 5

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