90 Days Fasting and Prayer, Day 22 - God's Visitation; Luke 1 verse 60 - 68

Ministering: Pastor. Taiwo Olaoye


Let's appreciate God

Let's appreciate God for his provision unto us

We just want to say baba oo
Ese see...
Baba ese oo, baba awa dupe baba


Let's thank the lord for he has been with us since beginning of this year fasting and prayer

Text: Luke 1:60-68

When the lord visits what happen - Luke 1:68 shows us that visitation of God bring redemption Ex. 3:16

Moses was delivered through his visitation in Num. 16:29

1 Sam. 2; Gen. 18:1-2

''Every promises is waiting for a key to open it and until you open with the key your        heaven will not open''

Ps. 17:3

When the lord visits what happens - Isaiah. 29:6


My father visit me tonight, i need your divine visitation

My father visit me and deliver me from my enemy as the lord of hosts

Father send your fire to devour my enemy

Father send your fire to the enemy of your word and loved souls

Luke 7:16 - father visit the camp of my enemy with your fear

Zech. 10:3 - father visit your church world wide and visit every goats with your anger

Luke 1:78 - lord you are the day spring, visit me with your tender mercy
90 Days Fasting and Prayer, Day 22 - God's Visitation; Luke 1 verse 60 - 68 90 Days Fasting and Prayer, Day 22 - God's Visitation; Luke 1 verse 60 - 68 Reviewed by Unknown on 13:52 Rating: 5

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