What Can We Use To Defeat The Enemy From Preventing The Children Of God From Entering Their Rest?

Ministering: Pastor. James Jonna

Bible Reading: Rev. 5:8

Agbara nbe ninu eje jesu
Agbara nbe ninu eje ree

Father, tonight help me to be the doers of your word

Ministering: Pastor Taiwo Olaoye


God, resurrect my spirit wherever it is buried

God resurrected Jonah from the belly of fish

Father, resurrect my spirit, deliver my spirit from wherever it is caged

Theme: what can we use to defeat the enemy from preventing the children of God from entering their rest?

Bible Text: Psalm 95:11; Heb. 3:11-18

Run away from rumors; until when man die to physical things he cannot access God. It’s when your soul have rest that’s when the body can have rest but before you can have rest, lean on God not leaning on God is pride and pride brings unbelief.

Immediately you believe your crossing over to 2017 is by your power you are finished but having in your mind humility in selflessness would give birth to rest.


Prov. 16:19; Prov. 22:4; Prov. 29:23; Isa 57:15; Matt 18:4; Micah 6:8
Luk 14:10 - when you can walk in humility with God there is no problem for you  

Jam. 4:10; 1Pet. 5:5

Humility is the only method of defeating the giants on the way to your promise land, humility does not make you lose the gifts of God.

Example of humble men of God in the bible: -

King Saul - 1sam 9:21
King David - 2sam. 7:18
King Solomon - 1king 3:7
John the Baptise - Matt. 3:14
The Centurion - Matt. 8:8
The Sidon Cyrene Woman - Matt. 15:27

Tonight o Lord, break me Lord, spiritually and physically, use me o Lord.

What Can We Use To Defeat The Enemy From Preventing The Children Of God From Entering Their Rest? What Can We Use To Defeat The Enemy From Preventing The Children Of God From Entering Their Rest? Reviewed by Unknown on 12:45 Rating: 5

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