90 Days Fasting and Prayer - The Danger Of Self-Will; Number 20:1; Exodus 17:1-6
Ministering: Pastor. Taiwo Olaoye
Theme: The Danger Of Self-WillText: Num. 20:1; Ex. 17:1-6
Self-will means pride - Number. 20:8-12
Lord may i not use my self-will to loss my glory
The power of self-will is destruction as in the life
of Moses, Aaron And Miriam - Rom. 5:19
There is a spirit responsible for disobedient: Ephe.
2:2 (this happened to David when the devil rose against him)
Every power of self-will die within me
O prince of the power of hell that rules in the life
of disobedient children i bind you in the name of Jesus, out of my life - Ephe.
Every self-will that will not allow me have my rest this
year, father destroy it - Heb. 2:2
Lord whether it is convenient or not convenient
compel me to do your will
2Chro. 7:14 - humility is the way to escape self-will
Every spirit of self-will in my life die
Whatever would not allow me reach my rest father
take away from my life
Lord what i would do that you would turn your back
at me, let me not do it o lord
Dan. 4:22-23 - father no matter how little the
spirit of pride in my life, remove self-will and let me die to self-will
Ezek. 28:5-23 - lord don't let me be destruction to
myself break Lord
Father, anything inside of me contesting your
leadership remove it from my life
Isa. 14: 11-19 - father remove self-will from my
life, i am nothing you are everything
carrier of spirit of pride around my life, father separate them from me
90 Days Fasting and Prayer - The Danger Of Self-Will; Number 20:1; Exodus 17:1-6
Reviewed by Unknown

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