90 Days Fasting and Prayer, Day 17 - Desires; II kings 4:10-20

Ministering:  Pastor. James Jonna

Bible Reading: Ps. 35:13


Lord via your word deliver me as you deliver Daniel.

Lord make me a pillar to be reckon with.

Ministering:  Pastor. Taiwo Olaoye

Theme: Desires
Text: 2kings 4:10-20

It is very important that your desire carries the purpose of God especially in the period of fasting like this - 1 Sam. 9:20; Ex. 10:11.

Types of desires in prayer

The prayer of Nehemiah - Neh. 1:11

The prayer of Job - Job. 31:35

The prayer of David - ps. 73:25

The prayer of Hagai - Hagai 2:7


Father shake all the nations of the earth and let all the nations the earth come and recognize you.

Listen to what Jesus says about prayer - Mark 11:24

Paul desire for the Corintians - 1cor. 14:1

Paul's desire for the Philipians - phil. 4:17

Paul's desire for the Colosians - col. 1:9

The desire of heaven - Heb. 11:16


Open your mouth and begin to talk to god about your personal desires.
90 Days Fasting and Prayer, Day 17 - Desires; II kings 4:10-20 90 Days Fasting and Prayer, Day 17 - Desires; II kings 4:10-20 Reviewed by Unknown on 13:28 Rating: 5

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