Lord Give Me The Goodness Of The Giants Of 2017; Numbers14 Verse 6 -30

Annual 90 days Fasting and Prayer; Day Six

Oba to jo oba lo 2x
Your excellency kabiesi o

Jehovah you are the most high
Jehovah you are the most high God

One thing we ask of you
One thing that we desire
That as we worship you
Lord come and take your place

You are wonderful
You are worthy
O lord

We give glory lord
As we honor you2x

My father i am ready to believe you tonight

Father cover all this vicinity with your fire

Pray for the servant of god that god should bless him

Ministering: Pastor. Taiwo Olaoye
Theme: Lord Give Me The Goodness Of The Giant Of 2017
Text: Num. 14 V 6 -30

The mountain of greatness; Josh. 14v9-12
The prayer of the righteous always avails, its takes another spirit for prayers to be answered, to do the unusual.

Every giant of 2017 i harvest your goodness

Giant of 2017 i defeat you today surrender

You giant of 2017 i bind you

The giant of 2017 i destroy you

Everything in 2017 i recover you

My father every unrighteous person of 2017 drive them far from me

You that giant of 2017 all the goodness inside i harvest it now

I enter my rest today the seventh day of 2017

Every unrighteousness inside of me father send it out

Every unrighteous person in Christ Jesus Ministry we chase you out by fire

Every unrighteous person father send them away from me and my family

Lord Give Me The Goodness Of The Giants Of 2017; Numbers14 Verse 6 -30 Lord Give Me The Goodness Of The Giants Of 2017; Numbers14 Verse 6 -30 Reviewed by Unknown on 11:52 Rating: 5

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