Sunday Service Mind Renewing; Romans 12 Verse 1-2
Liberation HourTheme: Mind Renewing Text: Rom. 12:1-2
We considering
three things in this chapter
1. What is
good in this chapter? Let look at what is good now -
Micah 6:8 Justice, Mercy and humility are
important; Matt.20:15, Job 34:4, 2Sam. 19:27, Mal. 1:6
2. What is
acceptable of God?
Prov. 10:32; Prov. 21:3; Isa. 49:8; Isa.
58:5-8; Dan. 4:27; Luk. 4:19
3. What is
the perfect will of God?
58:13; Rom. 14:17-18, Phil.4:18; 1pet.2:20; 1chro.28:9; Job 8:20; Ps. 101:2;
Ps. 138:8; 2cor. 12:9; Col. 4:12;
Heb. 13:21
acceptable thing is to live humbly in the presence of God and keep the Sabbath
day holy by walking according to will of god (depending on him daily).
Father as
i put in my work perfect it for me.
Father now
i know the perfect will of God as a willing that harvest miracles, help me o
lord and crown me with your grace.
Father i don't want to a hearer alone
but a doer of your word let my sacrifice, offering and service be acceptable
before you.
Sermon: Pastor. Taiwo Olaoye
Theme: Only God Give Rest
Text: Gen. 8:1-8
The Ark Represents The Church Of The Lord Today
Lord as
you have called this year the year of rest, remember me among those you'll give
rest this year
Deut. 12:9; Deut.25:19; Gen.8:5
Every enemy
of 2017 that says i will not possess 2017 fall down and die
Every enemy
of 2017 says i will not have rest, the Lord of multiple folds multiply your
Every enemy
of God in my life perish now
Every spiritual
troublers of life perish
Every enemy
of my destiny let your obituary be announced
Every enemy
of the purpose of God for my life angel of fire destroy them and their family
Every power
that holds my life stagnant i destroy you today
Anybody holding
my rights be destroyed by fire
Any enemy
of my marriage die
Anybody that
says i will not harvest my children fall down and die
The word
called am sorry i reject you this year
Father this
year i reject that
I reject
every report of terminal disease that want to terminate my life
Every day
time robber in 2017 i reject you in the name of Jesus
Every accursed
enemy of 2017 in my life father destroy and kill them
Demons of
abortion of goodness of god in my life Holy Ghost and fire send them to the pit
of hell
Every demon
of filthiness out of my life
Holy Ghost
Father fill
me with your fire
Lord, turn
my surrounding to fire
Gbare gbare
ko ni
Gbare momi l'owo
Sunday Service Mind Renewing; Romans 12 Verse 1-2
Reviewed by Unknown

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