Annual Ninety Days Fasting and Prayer Day One

Annual 90 days Fasting & prayer; Day 1

Ministering: Pastor. James  Jonna

Bible reading:- Matt.  6:20-34

In this 90 days fasting & prayer visit o Lord.

My father, let the holy angels visit me with blessings.

Every closed doors to my destiny be opened by fire.

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Ministering:- Pastor. Taiwo Olaoye

Theme:- Righteousness  

Text:- Gen.15:6

When you believe God, you will obey his words and instructions.

Lev.19:35, Gen.30:33, Deut.28:1

If you are in any department in the but you choose to be lackadaisical you are failing already because as you won't be late to your white collar job also you must be serious with God's work.

Prov.8:8, 18, Prov.10:2, Prov. 11:4-8, Prov.13:6, Prov.14:34, Prov.16:8

Father, i believe you for every of your word and am ready to do your will.

Whatever it will take you to deliver me from the spirit of lies father do it tonight.

***NOTE: Joshua. 1:8 - if you cannot speak the word of God you cannot be successful.

Father any power fighting me not to be righteous bury them tonight.

Father compel me to do your will whether it is convenient for me or not.

James 1: 23-24 - father give me the heart and will to do the things of God diligently.

Thank God for prayers answered now.

Annual Ninety Days Fasting and Prayer Day One Annual Ninety Days Fasting and Prayer Day One Reviewed by Unknown on 13:28 Rating: 5

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