90 Days Fasting and Prayer - The Favour Of God; Gen 6:1-9

Ministering: Pastor Taiwo Olaoye

Theme: The Favour Of God
Gen 6:1-9

You are worthy o'lord 2x
Invisible God,
You a miracle worker
You are worthy o'lord

Thank you lord for this first day of February!!!!

No matter the situation am in right now o lord, i just want to say thank you lord

Oluwa, eyin la'tobi ju 2x
Aribiti, arabata
Eyin la'tobi ju

3 personalities that enjoyed the favour of God
1. Noah – Genesis 6:8
2. Moses – Exodus 33:19
3. Jesus – Luke 2:40

Every sea of problem i walk upon you tonight

Father let my salvation be sealed eternally

Father everything that has to do with your favour i receive it in Jesus name

Lord let my name be on the palm of your hand

Lord anything that contains your grace let me begin to enjoy it now
90 Days Fasting and Prayer - The Favour Of God; Gen 6:1-9 90 Days Fasting and Prayer - The Favour Of God; Gen 6:1-9 Reviewed by Unknown on 12:09 Rating: 5

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