90 Days Prayer and Fasting 17-02-2017; Overcoming Carnality

Ministering: Pastor James Jonah

Gbogbo aye gbe jesu ga
Angeli, ewo le fun
Emu ade oba re wa
Se l'oba awon oba

Theme: Overcoming Carnality
Text: Rom 7:14-16

What is carnality??
A carnal Christian are those that don’t obey instructions. Those who are not carnal listen to instructions

Reward of overcomers
1. Crown of righteousness
2. Grace to reign with him   2 Tim 2 v 12
3. Rest from all labours   Rev 12:14

Benefit of overcomers
Those who are overcomers know what to do per time and nothing moves them
An overcomer breaks protocol
An overcomer is Gods favourite

Feature of an overcomer
Those who are overcomers are those who are always lead by the spirit of God
Those who are overcomers are occupied with things of heaven

Whoever that is standing at the gate of my breakthrough, tonight be roasted by fire

Every evil plan against the life of the children be frustrated

God, thank you for the life of your servant

Father, the benefit of the year 2017, heaven release it on me by fire by force

Father, whoever stand to fight me on this mountain, heaven fight them
90 Days Prayer and Fasting 17-02-2017; Overcoming Carnality 90 Days Prayer and Fasting 17-02-2017; Overcoming Carnality Reviewed by Unknown on 12:32 Rating: 5

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