90 Days Fasting and Prayer; Faith Is The Image Of God - Daniel 3 :1-25

Ministering: Pastor Taiwo Olaoye


Daily as i live
Often as i breath
Let my whole life
Be expression of your grace

We cry Aba father
Halloweth be your name 3x

Theme: Faith is the image of God
Text: Dan 3 v 1-25

The image of the physical God is faith

If your faith is as small as mustard seed, faith is faith

God is not in what is big, god is in what is small

Your way cannot be pleasing unto god until you have faith because without faith no man can see god

Faith does not see fear, pain, hopelessness, all what faith see is praise

90 Days Fasting and Prayer; Faith Is The Image Of God - Daniel 3 :1-25 90 Days Fasting and Prayer; Faith Is The Image Of God - Daniel 3 :1-25 Reviewed by Unknown on 12:08 Rating: 5

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