14-05-17 Sunday Service; Give Your Life to Jesus And He Will Give You Back In Life Abundance

Ministering: Pastor Taiwo Oloaye

Father, give me utterance to be able to use your power to do signs and wonders.

Topic: Give Your Life to Jesus And He Will Give You Back In Life Abundance
Text: Gen 1:10-22

There is no controversy of what God can do if you give your life

Why have you not experience the life of abundance

You cannot live the life of abundance if you are not ready to give your life to God first
1 king 17:12-13

You cannot enjoy abundance if you cannot give your all to God

Until when you are able to put your life at stake for God you can’t enjoy abundance

What you need to do to enjoy life in abundance
Isa 58:1-7
Luke 21:4

When you give God your best he will give you his best

The more you withhold the more you run into penury and suffering.

Father, have mercy on me for am guilty

14-05-17 Sunday Service; Give Your Life to Jesus And He Will Give You Back In Life Abundance 14-05-17 Sunday Service; Give Your Life to Jesus And He Will Give You Back In Life Abundance Reviewed by Unknown on 03:24 Rating: 5

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