90 Days Fasting and Prayers. 24-03-17 Why Do You Have To Forsake All To Follow God?

Ministering: Pastor Taiwo Olaoye

Opening Prayers:

I want to see you lord, tonight minister to my soul, let me see you tonight o lord

God, speak to my heart again tonight, let me not miss heaven

Topic: Why Do You Have To Forsake All To Follow God?
Text: Matt 19:16-30

Those things you cherish most will forsake you when you need them most, that’s why you have to forsake all these things and follow God.

There is nothing created by man that does not fail. Few illustration are; cars fail, phones fail..etc. Christianity is not an association religion, it is an individual thing, for you to be able to carry Jesus cross, you have to forsake all because everyone has a cross to carry daily


My father I have made up my mind to forsake all, help me lord not to disappoint you when it matters most.

My father, when you will come back, let me not be found wanting.

Lord, as these 90 days is coming to an end, the mistake i will make that will make me lose my harvest, lord let me not make it.

90 Days Fasting and Prayers. 24-03-17 Why Do You Have To Forsake All To Follow God? 90 Days Fasting and Prayers. 24-03-17 Why Do You Have To Forsake All To Follow God? Reviewed by Unknown on 12:27 Rating: 5

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