90 days 19-03-17 Sunday Service

Liberation Hour Prayers:

Every problem that has not come to my consciousness that is attached to any season of my life, father terminate it eternally

Every foundational problem waiting to manifest in my life father terminate it eternally

Father let my end be like the end of the righteous

Father let me learn in the mistake of my parent; don't let me learn in the mistake of my life

Father blurt out every ideology that is in my gene

My father whatever that contamination is that is resided in my blood, blood of Jesus flush it out

Father let me not be used to fulfill bad prophecy

Father every ignorance that will send me to hell father deliver me from it

Whatever you yield yourself to lords over you; if you yield yourself to sin it takes over your life
Until when your soul is touched you can’t make heaven.
Your soul has to have encounter with the supernatural god.
All that will matter to you are just carnality; until you surrender to the spiritual god.

My soul I want to have a genuine encounter with God

Father I forsake all for you

Bible reading
Isa 13:6-16

Ministering: Pastor Taiwo Olaoye

Topic: The Day Of The Lord
Text: Isaiah 13:6-12

The Day of the Lord; Its A Day Of Vengeance So That He Can Avenge His Adversaries
Text: Jer. 46:10

Lam 2:22
It’s a day of wrath

Ezek 7:19
It’s saying all the vanity things you have will not be able to save you on the day of the lord

Every second of your daily life counts,
Ezekiel 30:3
For the day [is] near, even the day of the lord [is] near, a cloudy day; it shall be the time of the heathen.(kjv)

Joel 1:15; 2:1,11,31, 3:14

You have a limit to what an intercessor can stand for
Ezek 14:12-16

90 days 19-03-17 Sunday Service 90 days 19-03-17 Sunday Service Reviewed by Unknown on 10:34 Rating: 5

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