90 Days Fasting and Prayer; 09-03-17 - 18-03-17

9 March 2017 Vigil
Ministering: Pastor Taiwo Olaoye
 Topic: Covenant
Text: Gen 6:18

Covenant is an agreement between two in which the two parties have obligation to each other
for every covenant, there is a token for it; the token for the first convent was rainbow and people enters covenant for reasons unknown. Covenant also means to stand witness between me and thee


Every foundation covenant that is fighting my life, either of the gods of my father’s house, in the name of Jesus by destroy

Every covenant of any mark upon my body, lording over me, i invoke the covenant of the blood of Jesus begin to blurt them out

Every covenant knowingly and unknowingly that as being sealed by the blood of anything, these morning the blood of Jesus begin to cancel it

Holy Ghost

Any soul tie covenant that is tying my destiny to anyone, the blood of Jesus separates us

every covenant of any food sacrifice to any idol that have eaten in the days of ignorance, the blood of Jesus send out these food, the blood of Jesus destroy every wickedness these food as caused in my body

Lord thank you for the deliverance you have done for me

90 Days 13-03-17
Ministering: Pastor Taiwo Olaoye

Topic: Spiritual Garment
Text: Genesis 34:29

Garment of widowhood
genesis 38:14
and she put her widow's garments off from her, and covered her with a vail, and wrapped herself, and sat in an open place, which [is] by the way to timnath; for she saw that shelah was grown, and she was not given unto him to wife.(kjv)

Holiness brings glory and beauty, it is in your garment of holiness that your beauty and glory lies .


Father restore my garment of holiness

Father wherever my garment as being stained, blood of Jesus watch me clean

My father, i don’t want to work naked whatever will take my garment from me lord let there be separation

Father break me and sieve me, o lord

Ministering: Pastor Taiwo Olaoye

Father Speak To Me Tonight

Topic: Spiritually Understanding Who God Is
Text: 1Sam 27:1-12


Father give me the patient to understand you your way and help me to know you

Father use my present situation to confuse my enemy

Opening Prayer
Lord send your word to me tonight

Ministering: Pastor Taiwo Olaoye

Text: 1Sam 20:24-31

The anointing you fight or you don’t respect can never work for you

The 3 d's that followed David to the land of the enemy

When you see anointing that as God’s backing, all you need is to crave for it; the presence of anointing is the presence of supernatural


Father I am blind, Holy spirit you are the one that sees, anyone who will not make my 2017 to go well o lord cause a separation

Lord where have not hallow your name, i repent tonight o my father forgive me

Lord wherever have being disrespecting the anointing of your son father forgive me let the anointing work for me

Ministering: Pastor Taiwo Olaoye

Topic: The Forces of the Spirit Combined With the Word
Text: Matt 17:10-21

Opening Prayer:

Father give me an understanding of your word

When you don’t combine the work with the spirit it doesn’t work

our life remains what it is because they don’t even understand god at times

What is faith?
Hebrews 11:1 -Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.(kjv)

The most terrible person to walk with is someone who is not inclined

Until when you rest yourself and take the word of god higher you cannot experience the supernatural

The power and the forces of the word defines nature

Lord, i want to experience your miracle through the power of the forces of your word

God, with your power of word that no man can withstand let there be a combination of the two and let them work my miracle

Father thank you for the perfection of my divine miracle

The word of god prosper in the life that already know that word

If you don’t believe God you cannot experience the divine miracle of God

God, today is the 17th day of the 3rd month, whatever i am now it is you, you are God show yourself now

My father, you are the owner of my life, you are the potter I’m the clay whatever you like do with my life

God i believe you that these year 2017, the 17th day, my rest as come to stay, nothing can stop my rest because you have said it my miracle as come to stay

My father, make a name for yourself

The hands of power that sought for David and found him in the land of his enemy that says his throne is empty he should come and rule, that hand take me to my throne of glory


God, every bad prophesy, lord i remove myself from it i will not fulfill bad prophesy

Every enemy that is close to me that want to stop what god as already perfected in my life, my father, send them on an errand

Ministering: Pastor James Jonah

Topic: Acceptable Prayers
Text: Neh.1: 11; James 5:13-17

Whatsoever you conceive you receive

Lo do do dajudaju 2x
Aanu re yo ma wa titi ye
Lo do do dajudaju
Ife re yo ma wa titi aye o
Lo do do dajudaju

If you aren’t called you can’t be equipped

How to make your prayers acceptable

You must pray in Jesus name john 14:14

Matt 21:22 you must pray in faith

Pray according to the will of God - Mark: 14:32-36, Rom 8:27

Pray in the spirit - Rom 8:26-27

Pray with understanding – 1Cor 14:9, 13, 17

Hindrances To Prayer
Unbelief - Jam 1:6-7
Wrong motives - Jam 4:3
Sin or disobedience - Psa 66:18, Isa 59:1
Selfishness - Pro 1:13
Pride - Josh 5:5-7
Religious hypocrisy - Isa 1:11-15

If you conceive bitterness you receive bitterness

Wherever they are gathered over my life, Holy Ghost fire waste them

Father make this year my own year

Ministering: Pastor Taiwo Olaoye

Thank you lord for all you have done

Father these 90 days am going to celebrate

Every negative word that stands against the word of God in my life, die in the name of Jesus

Lord i believe my 90 days miracle is already at hand, father let me experience you now

Father, this year am already going higher and nothing will pull me down the invisible hand of the lord is already lifting me higher

90 Days Fasting and Prayer; 09-03-17 - 18-03-17 90 Days Fasting and Prayer; 09-03-17 - 18-03-17 Reviewed by Unknown on 01:31 Rating: 5

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