90 Days Fasting and Prayer - What Is So Special About The Man Named Saul Of The New Testament And The King

 SUNDAY SERVICE - 26-03-2017

Ministering: Pastor Taiwo Olaoye

Text: Matt. 17: 1-12


Father open my spiritual eyes

Father let me be among the privilege

Father let me be among your inner circles, let me be among the few that you'll reveal yourself to

I desire the presence of the supernatural

I desire the revival of the supernatural


WEEKLY SERVICE - 27-03-2017 

Ministering: Pastor Taiwo Olaoye

Opening Prayer:

In everything i will be doing lord, let me not lose my eternal life

What Is So Special About The Man Named Saul Of The New Testament And The King
Text: Acts 26: 8-21

* Both Saul are tribe of Judah

*  King Saul persecuted king David likewise the Saul of the new testament persecuted the            disciples of Jesus

David and the first church gave their life completely to God and this is why god avenge for them - 1 Chronicles 10: 2-6

Second Saul receive mercy and was called to liberate - Acts 26:18
To open their eyes, [and] to turn [them] from darkness to light, and [from] the power of Satan unto god, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.(kjv)

King Saul’s household was extinct completely and the other Saul (New Testament’s) did not marry and gain eternity

Lord my life need your wisdom help me o lord, give me the required wisdom to make eternity

90 Days Fasting and Prayer - What Is So Special About The Man Named Saul Of The New Testament And The King 90 Days Fasting and Prayer - What Is So Special About The Man Named Saul Of The New Testament And The King Reviewed by Unknown on 13:03 Rating: 5

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