30-04-17 Sunday Service; Confronting the Giant Called You
Pastor Taiwo Olaoye
Father, hide my enemy inside the cupboard of
Every enemy of my life father, throw them
under the darkness of my foot stool
Father, throw my enemy inside darkness that
they cannot come out from
Father, let darkness erase the calendar
system of my enemy
Send my enemy to where darkness is his light
Lord let my enemy sentence himself to death
My life, give glory to your Lord your God
Every ungodly counsel that I am working in
father deliver me
Ungodly counsel means you are walking in
Any ungodly person I’m moving with that want
to throw me into
Darkness, father, separate me from them
the Giant Called You
9 Vs 1-8
How do you know the giant called you?
And how do I know the giant called you?
To know the giant called you, one must
discover himself.
The real giant in the life of Joseph was his
dream and immediately he told them there was problem.
Everybody has a giant in him.
Divine encounter is another form in wish you
can discover the giant in you so you are not a giant until you discover the
seed of greatness in you.
There is a giant inside you that you need to
discover so the discovery of that giant inside you shows you what you can do in
The discovery of the giant in Saul turned
him to Paul.
The discovery of the giant in Jacob turned
him into Israel overnight.
Lord I want to discover the giant inside of
Let there be a revelation of the giant
inside me.
The people we celebrate today, it is because
of the discovery of the giant in them.
If you are suppose to build an estate and
you die as a tenant, you are wastage to this generation, because you did not
discover the giant inside of you.
Every word, prophesy that will bring forth
my giant, father let it come now.
Every giant inside of me by the supernatural
power inside of me,wake up in jesus name.
To discover the giant in you need spiritual
violence to see it because even in heaven, war broke out, and the violence
takes it by force
Every power covering the giant in me dies in
the name of Jesus
Every giant inside of me come alive in Jesus
I refuse to die without my giant coming out
Whatever power is covering the giant inside
of me, by the supernatural power in me, every power covering my giant die
It not the time you discover it that matters,
Joseph own started in 17 years, Moses had his own when he was 40 years old.
God as I cross over to the month of may, let
me give birth to that giant in me.
Jacob put his family one side for Israel to
be discovered
Every hindrance and delay fighting the
discovery of the giant in me give way.
When jezebel thought she was in charge of
Israel, Elijah alone held Israel to ransom when he prayed there should be no
Hear you my destiny, every giant inside you
wake up in Jesus name
Every power of darkness assign to silence
the giant inside me let the supernatural power of the lord silence them in Jesus
Every plant my father has not planted in me,
I uproot you in the name of Jesus
Every stranger disturbing my giant from
coming out, go out of my life in Jesus name
Every seed of the enemy inside me, to
destroy the good seed of the giant inside me withered in the name of Jesus
My creator you are the one that created me, wish
ever way you want my giant to come alive, O Lord wake up my giant
Whatever needs to be destroyed for my giant
to come alive, father, destroy it now in Jesus name.
Every power that want to swallow my giant,
die in the name of Jesus
The discovery of Lazarus was that he will
die and rise
Every power that want to destroy my glory, die
before my glory in Jesus name
Some people are angry because of the
goodness of God in your life
Everybody that is envious of the goodness of
God in my life, father waste them
There are some enemies that must not see the
glory of your life
I decree into your life, the miracle that
your enemy will not be able to look at, I pray God to give it to you
O Lord every king Hosiah that need to die
for my glory to come alive die
Father put confusion in the camp of my enemy
Every physical price that need to be paid, O
Lord my father let it take place in Jesus name.
Every decision that will push me to the
manifestation of the giant in me, let it be made now.
Father my seat of glory wherever it is now,
Lord it is time for me to seat on it
O Lord all that needs to vacate for me to
occupy, let them vacate now
Anybody that needs to decrease for me to
increase let them decrease now
I receive my hand-over note in the name of Jesus
Whoever is holding my hand-over note, I
collect it back in the name of Jesus
Lord establish my glory now by your
supernatural power
30-04-17 Sunday Service; Confronting the Giant Called You
Reviewed by Unknown
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