27-04-17 Night Vigil; What Is Life/Who Am I/What Is My Purpose In Life

Ministering: Pastor Taiwo Olaoye
Topic:-What Is Life/Who Am I/What Is My Purpose In Life
Text:-Gen 21 Vs 1-7

Opening Prayer:

My time of favour will not pass me by

Let your favour locate me tonight

Every power monitoring my progress Holy Ghost and fire consume them tonight in the name of Jesus

What is Life?
God is life

The problem that is fighting you know you well that is why it fighting you, who are you to confront that problem that is a threat to your Life and that is why you perish because you don’t have wisdom.

 Who I am?
 "I am what who says I am that I am"

Father as I cry to you this early morning cause your mercy are new every morning, let mercy give me answer to who I am

 If you don’t know who you are, you can’t know your purpose in life and when we were born we create an identity for ourselves so you need to drop the old identity to wear the new identity.

You need to know what God says you are.

Every man made identity that is fighting the identity of the Lord in my life, father let there be separation

Not everybody on the surface of the earth knows his or her identity and not everyone will fulfill their destiny.

What you don’t fight is already fighting  you, instead of you to fight back you are going to meet man, instead of you to go and meet your creator and fight the good fight of faith.

Flesh and blood does not reveal identity it is only God that can reveal your identity, Daniel was not thrown into the fire because his identity was not with fire

Every forces of darkness caging my identity inside me die in Jesus name

They know Daniel as the man that was thrown in the lion den and the lion did not consume him

Every forces that is asking me question I can’t answer, Lord this morning you must answer them

Ask the Lord who you are, Lord who am I.

It not what man call you you are it what God calls you is who you are

God will identify who you are in Jesus name

Every forces of darkness that want to change my identity, be extinct from my life

David was able to have the spiritual insight of who God is, so before you leave this earth your identity must be seen

Grace opens a room of asking anything from the lord, humility open an uncommon favour.

You will find grace in Jesus name.

O my father this morning reveal my identity.

You are not a failure but you become a failure when you don’t know your identity, you are fearfully and wonderfully created, don’t try to be like someone else that’s why the world or the situation you are in is ready to give you an identity which is not yours.

Any forces and situation that want to make me inferior I overcome you today.

Among the few that will discover their purpose in life lord let me be among them lord that will know their purpose and fulfill them.

You remain a woe until God heal your foundation.

Everything making me to see myself as cursed father heal me and deliver me from that foundation holding my life do

Every spirit of fear out of my life

The God that makes his own manifest reveal my identity to the world

The power and gathering that kills glory die in my life

The friendship that kills identity out of my life, the cloud of darkness that hid glory move out of my life

The friendship that makes glory redundant out of my life

Father deliver me from the house that kills glory, deliver me from the foundation that kills glory

Father deliver me from the world that bury glory, deliver me from the life that kills glory

Father deliver me from the friendship that kills glory

Deliver me from worship that destroy glory

Father let me be among the few remnants that will be saved my grace

father April is going, use these morning vigil to answer me, that which is my own that is yet to get to my hands, lord let it be release

Father I have heard your word these morning, let that word direct me, let it comfort me

I need your divine intervention, arise o lord and break every power of the wicked ones over my life

Father whatever is not your way for me, I cancel it
27-04-17 Night Vigil; What Is Life/Who Am I/What Is My Purpose In Life 27-04-17 Night Vigil; What Is Life/Who Am I/What Is My Purpose In Life Reviewed by Unknown on 09:37 Rating: 5

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