Restitution - 40 Days Prayer and Fasting

Ministering: - Pastor. Taiwo

Father may i not fast in vain.

Eleventh hour that gives birth to a new thing, Lord, let there be birth of a new thing in my life now.

Lord, let there be a birth of every possessions of Christ Jesus Win Ministry.

Lord, as you destroy the enemy of Win Ministry, let there be birth of new thing.

Father, let me not be hearer of your word alone but doer of your word.

Theme: - Restitution
 Text: - Exodus 22:1-12, 16-17

Restitution is paying back in double, it occur as a result of doing what is not pleasing unto another person, restitution are for things e,g material things, valuable things, assets etc, and not for human as in the case of being married to more than one wife. Act 3:18-21 - restoring something to its original state.

Father give us a shepherd that will give us sound doctrine.

Father let me not fast in vain, visit me Lord.
Restitution - 40 Days Prayer and Fasting Restitution - 40 Days Prayer and Fasting Reviewed by Unknown on 13:01 Rating: 5

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