40 Days Prayer and Fasting from 08-11-2016

Ministering: - Pastor. Wale

Theme: - The Mind
Text: 1Cor.3:1-5; 1Cor.2:16; Phil.2:5

There are two types of mind
We have carnal mind and spiritual mind

Carnal mind is the mind of flesh without the Holy Spirit.
Characters of carnal minded person are – Rom. 1:28, 1Cor.3:3
1. Envy (jealousy) is a trait of carnal mind - Gen 37:24, Gen.26:14
2. Strive (violence, conflict & disagreement) – 1Cor.1:11
3. Division – 1Cor.3-4, 1Cor.1:10, Luk 11:17

    The end products of carnal mind - Matt.15:19; Matt.9:4
     Evil imagination - Rom.1:21
What is the consequence of canal minded? - Rom.8:28, Gal. 6:8 (reaps corruption, death)

Father, help me to eliminate carnal mind.
Help me o lord, let me be spiritually minded.

Ministering: - Pastor. Taiwo

The church of god is not of flesh but spirit.
1Cor.2:4-15 - the church of today follow the precept of the world neglecting the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Lord, help me and let my spiritual eyes be opened.

40 Days Prayer and Fasting from 08-11-2016 40 Days Prayer and Fasting from 08-11-2016 Reviewed by Unknown on 16:01 Rating: 5

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