Jealousy - 40 Days Prayer and Fasting 16-11-2016
Let us know what God has done for you during these period of forty days fasting and prayer and Please use the comment box below to make your requests, suggestions or questions known to us, thank you and remain blessed in Jesus Christ to the shame of the enemy (Amen).
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Ministering:- Pastor.Taiwo Olaoye
Open your
mouth and thank god for today being completion of forty days fasting and prayer.
tonight i want to see you alive and enjoy divine visitation today the last day
of 40 days.
speak to me directly today
Theme: Jealousy (the
veil of darkness that covers one from discovering his or her purpose in life)
Text: Gen.37:1-20
Note: if you have not discovered yourself you would not fulfill destiny.
Don't use jealousy and strive to confuse yourself by comparing yourself
with other people.
The lion or tiger would never try cheetah when it come to race, everyone
has the frequency they are destined to operate in life.
Destroy jealousy and discover your purpose in life - Gen.49:1-21
Father, i have reshape my destiny to look like another person Lord,
deliver me.
Father, find and locate my destiny tonight.
Every vein of darkness distracting from who i am fire of the Lord destroy
them now.
The power that remember and locate David’s destiny in the wilderness
search me out now.
The power that remember Elisha, deliver me from the works of the enemy
over my life and remember me.
Every power that want to destroy the dream and purpose of God in my life
Father, let there be a recovery of my destiny tonight.
Every work of this life that has turned me to vagabond father deliver me.
Every darkness covering my glory move away.
Every spirit of fear denying me from taking that step of faith die.
Every attitude of flesh that does not want me to do the will of God die.
*Every spirit of negativity speaking negatives in my heart die now.
Wole waa wole waa
Emi olorun oo
Wole waa...
Every spirit of fear that hides me and my glory vanish from my life now.
Father, find and locate my glory for me tonight.
Father, i thank you for answering my forty days fasting and prayer
Father i
thank you for the testimonies.
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Let us know what
God has done for you during these period of forty days fasting and prayer and Please
use the comment box below to make your requests, suggestions or questions known
to us, thank you and remain blessed in Jesus Christ to the shame of the enemy (Amen).
Jealousy - 40 Days Prayer and Fasting 16-11-2016
Reviewed by Unknown

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