The Patience That Produce Rapture Or Fulfill The Kingdom Of Heaven;Rev.3:7-11 - Night Vigil
Ministering: - Pastor. Wale Adebayo
power waiting to destroy my miracles be consumed by fire of the Holy Ghost now.
every power sent from the pit of hell to monitor my activity tonight, fire of
the Holy Ghost consume them.
Shout the
blood of Jesus seven times; then start saturating yourself and this environment
with the blood of Jesus.
Text: - Matt.11:12; 1chro.4:9 - God Did What Jabez Requested
Because He Was Tired Of That Situation
By fire
and thunder, every battle of polygamy in my life release me and let me go now.
battle that accessed my life in the mid night that is hindering my progress and
success out now
Every evil
arrow of sorrow, limitation, sickness, poverty...that was shot at me in the mid
night, what are you waiting for out of my life now.
every arrow of affliction in my life what are you waiting for out of my life
Call the
fire of the Holy Ghost seven times and put your hands in the place where you
need healing.
Is all
over me
Is moving
me around
The holy
ghost power is moving me around..
enemy that is holding me captive receive the baptism of destruction now.
power that says i will not harvest 40 days fasting and prayer die.
enemy in my family or any where that want to make my life miserable, father
make their life miserable.
every power that wish me dead before the end of this year, let their obituary
be announced.
power that has gone on evil mission because of me they will never return.
Maje kaye
so be si mi moo
E wo eni t'ongbadura
Father let
me harvest this 40 days with enough testimonies.
messenger of sorrow in my life father, waste them.
that has vowed to cause me pain and sorrow after this 40 days father waste them.
- Say Holy Ghost fire seven (7) times and pray; every band of yoke in my neck,
leg, hands and body break now.
appointed terror over my life be eliminated by fire.
Every garment
of disappointments in my life be destroy tonight.
Ministering: - Pastor. Taiwo Olaoye
The Patience That Produce Rapture Or Fulfill The Kingdom Of Heaven
Text: Rev.3:7-11
you do on earth let the word of god be your guide''
Gen.3:6 -7
- The sin came through the woman and the man fell through the woman.
- every lust of the eyes that would make me to miss heaven, father deliver me
every sin that has entered into my life through the lust of the eye father
deliver me.
strong man called the lust of the eyes, i bind you now.
My father,
deliver from apartheid lust of this life let them not twat my life.
1kings 11:1,4 - your wife is your enemy and you are the enemy of yourself because of
your lust.
My father,
may i loss heavenly race with any sex either male or female.
where the lust of ambitiousness is taking deliver me now.
James 1:12; 2 Kings 5:16; Job.2:9-10
give me power to resist the devil.
- My father separate me and sinner.
- Father prevent me from every ways of the wicked
Ephe 6:13
- Lord help to put on the whole amour of God, humble me and make me do your
35:5-6; Dan.1:8 - Father, may i not defile myself with red pottage, with the
king's food.
- Father, let the world not take my garment of righteousness from me let me not
walk nacked.
Every word
resisting the word of the lord of God in my life out now.
thought that is not of god and question asking if am a child of God die now.
commit the visitation to Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) to Gods
hands. Let your hand be seen
teach us how to celebrate you.
Emi o mo
di to fi ferun mi
Emi o mo,emi
o mo
Mo sha ri
pe jesu ferun mi
The Patience That Produce Rapture Or Fulfill The Kingdom Of Heaven;Rev.3:7-11 - Night Vigil
Reviewed by Unknown

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