Those Two Things That Make One Not Qualify For The Race - 40 Days Prayer and Fasting 15-11-2016

Ministering:- Pastor. Wale Adebayo


Lord let there be no mistaken identity in the spiritual or physical.

Father anywhere i go let my identity as a true child of god be seen.

Father every unseen enemy fight the battle for me in the spiritual and physical.

Divine knowledge from heaven above father release it to me now.

Father i ask for divine wisdom and knowledge be release to me .

Father your word that i would hear tonight let it be from heaven above in a new way.

Every monitoring power that says i will not be blessed today be destroyed.

Thank and appreciate God now.

Ministering: Pastor. Taiwo Olaoye

Theme: - Those Two Things That Make One Not Qualify For The Race
Text: - James 1:8, James 4:8

1. Double minded, lukewarmness, indecision ( You need to purify your heart)
Lord sanctify my heart.

Father, deliver me from every battle of negative thought.

2. Backsliding - Gal.1:6, Gal.4:9, Heb.10:38, 2Pet.2:20, Rev. 2:4.

Father whatever would make me to backslide may i not see it o Lord.

Father, whatever would not let me make heaven may i not see it.

Whatever would make my heavenly race to have a comma, deliver me now.
Those Two Things That Make One Not Qualify For The Race - 40 Days Prayer and Fasting 15-11-2016 Those Two Things That Make One Not Qualify For The Race - 40 Days Prayer and Fasting 15-11-2016 Reviewed by Unknown on 12:08 Rating: 5

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