30-04-17 Sunday Service; Confronting the Giant Called You 30-04-17 Sunday Service; Confronting the Giant Called You Reviewed by Unknown on 06:03 Rating: 5
27-04-17 Night Vigil; What Is Life/Who Am I/What Is My Purpose In Life 27-04-17 Night Vigil; What Is Life/Who Am I/What Is My Purpose In Life Reviewed by Unknown on 09:37 Rating: 5
23-04-17 Sunday Service; Mystery of God 23-04-17 Sunday Service; Mystery of God Reviewed by Unknown on 06:44 Rating: 5
20-04-17 Thursday Night Vigil Service; A Life That Does Not Give Glory To God Is A Life That Fall Short Of The Glory Of God. 20-04-17 Thursday Night Vigil Service; A Life That Does Not Give Glory To God Is A Life That Fall Short Of The Glory Of God. Reviewed by Unknown on 11:54 Rating: 5
17-04-17 Easter Monday Service; What Is the Essence of Galilee 17-04-17 Easter Monday Service; What Is the Essence of Galilee Reviewed by Unknown on 02:03 Rating: 5
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