28-05-16 Sunday Service

Ministering: Pastor Taiwo Olaoye

Text: John 3:16, Rom 10:10

To believe means to stand intern of the word of God and if you want to serve God you must die to self.

Lord I believe you have answered me

I believe you Lord, make manifest yourself

God, affliction will not return a second time, whatever thing you have given me is permanent

God am a tither, whichever way the devil want me to spend my money either on sickness or on predicament, Lord rebuke devourer for my sake

God I know your thought is to give me an expected, whatever am going through that is not of God I reject it, let your word come to pass in my life

Whatever is not the will of God for my live I reject it now, I refuse to live the life of my parent.

You spirit of fear out of my life, I have been delivered from you, o you spirit of fear out of my life

O Lord reign in my life, rule in my life, let your will be done in my life

God, empower me now, the power that the kingdom of darkness cannot match, lord empower me now

Father make my life a life that people will see and praise your name,
28-05-16 Sunday Service 28-05-16 Sunday Service Reviewed by Unknown on 04:56 Rating: 5

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